Hydraulic works in Idu District, Abuja - Nigeria
The Idu District is one of the industrial
development areas of Abuja,
the new Capital of Nigeria. The total area to be developed extends over 590 ha. The water
distribution network, the foul sewer and the stormwater drainage systems are
part of the wider complex of works in this area.
Water Distribution Network
The main network, in cast iron, have
diameters of 600/500/450/400/300 mm. The total length is equal to 12743 m.
The secondary network, in PVC, has
diameters 250 ÷ 80 mm
and a total length of 19821
The plots service connection, in PVC, is
made by pipes ø 2÷1“ with a total
length of 2344 m
for a total number of plots equal to 198.
Foul Sewer System
It provides the construction of an Interceptor
Westand East with diameters 1500/1200/1050 mm and with a total length of 3797 m.
The main network, in concrete, has a
diameter of 500 mm
and a length of 1020 m.
The secondary network, in PVC, could have
diameters of 350/300/200 mm and a total length of 22032 m.
Stormwater drainage system
The main network, in concrete, has
diameters of 1200/1000/900 mm and a total length of 32162 m.
The secondary network, in PVC, has
diameters of 300/200 mm and a total length of 7880 m.
Preliminary design and final design (2003-2006) for
Salini Nigeria Ltd / Federal Capital Development Authority (F.C.D.A.) - Nigeria.